A Delhi court on Monday granted till December 7 interim bail to Rau's IAS Study Circle CEO Abhishek Gupta and its coordinator Deshpal Singh in a case related to the death of three civil services aspirants in July in the centre's flooded basement.lodibet
Principal District and Sessions Judge Anju Bajaj Chandna granted relief to the accused persons on a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh each with two sureties of the like amount.
The judge also directed Gupta to deposit Rs 2.5 crore till November 30 with Red Cross Society, saying that as per the lease agreement of the premises, the accused being the lessee and CEO of the institute alone, would responsible for any loss claim, and damages to any person or material.
The judge noted that Gupta and Singh were CEO and coordinator of Rau's IAS Study Circlelodibet, respectively, and were in control of its affairs.